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TypeScript version compatibility issue

The TypeScript version compatibility issue arises when compiling the server/server.ts file using tsx --project tsconfig.json. It reports formatting issues originating from paths like “../node_modules/i18next/…” and “../node_modules/styled_components/…”.

This problem stems from a mismatch in TypeScript versions. The globally installed TypeScript (tsc) is version 4.x, while the TypeScript versions required by these packages are 5.x. To address this, upgrading to TypeScript 5.x is necessary.

Initially, attempting to update TypeScript globally with npm install -g typescript failed, as tsc remained unaffected. Even after uninstalling with npm uninstall -g typescript, tsc persisted, indicating it wasn’t linked to the global npm installation.

Subsequently, trying to upgrade the local TypeScript version specified in package.json didn’t resolve the issue. So I reverted to TypeScript 4.9.6, as required by react-scripts.

I began to feel puzzled about the origin of tsc. Using the command which tsc, I discovered that it was located in /usr/local/bin, while the locations for Node.js and npm were /opt/homebrew. This realization led me to recognize that I had multiple installations of Node.js, npm, and npx on my system.

Despite some efforts, I couldn’t find a method to switch or update tsc. Consequently, I opted to remove the duplicate installations of Node.js, npm, npx, and tsc located in /usr/local/bin.

Below are the steps I’ve undertaken.

# remove
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo rm -rf node
sudo rm -rf npm 
sudo rm -rf npx
sudo rm -rf tsc

cd /usr/local/share/man/man1
sudo rm -rf node.1

cd /usr/local/include
sudo rm -rf node

cd /usr/local/lib
sudo rm -rf node_modules

# check remaining files
ls /usr/local/bin | grep node
ls /usr/local/bin | grep npm
ls /usr/local/bin | grep npx
ls /usr/local/bin | grep tsc

# validate removal 
which node
which npm
which npx
which tsc

Next, I utilized brew install typescript to install tsc, resulting in its relocation to /opt/homebrew, matching the locations of Node and npm. Upon executing tsc --version, I was pleased to discover that it had been updated to version 5.x, signifying a successful update.

I utilized the newly installed tsc to compile the server file once more, and this time, it no longer raised issues regarding node_modules.

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