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When I am trying to build a Next.Js project with MongoDB, it complains:

GET /api/user 500 in 14ms
 ⨯ pages/api/user/index.js (12:20) @ ncOpts
 ⨯ TypeError: (0 , next_connect__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.default) is not a function
    at eval (webpack-internal:///(api)/./pages/api/user/index.js:32:73)
  10 |
  11 | const upload = multer({ dest: '/tmp' });
> 12 | const handler = nc(ncOpts);
     |                    ^
  13 |
  14 | if (process.env.CLOUDINARY_URL) {
  15 |   const {
 GET /api/user 500 in 8ms

One code snippet is as follows:

import { findUserById } from '@/api-lib/db';
import { getMongoDb } from '@/api-lib/mongodb';
import { ncOpts } from '@/api-lib/nc';
import nc from 'next-connect';

const handler = nc(ncOpts);

handler.get(async (req, res) => {
  const db = await getMongoDb();
  const user = await findUserById(db, req.query.userId);
  res.json({ user });

export default handler;

Package versions are as follows:

"next": "^14.2.5",
"next-connect": "^1.0.0",
"mongodb": "^6.8.0",

At first, I have no clean what this error mean.

The problem was caused by version upgrade. The sample was using "next-connect": "^0.12.2"

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