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add the middle text to the pdf



This function can be divided into many steps.

Step 1: turn PDF to image

Step 2: rotate image by 90 degrees

Step 3: add the text in the middle of the image

Step 4: rotate the image back and save

Step 5: merge all images into a PDF

We need following dependencies: cv2, PIL, and pdf2image

The whole code is as follows:

import os, cv2
from tqdm import tqdm
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
from PIL import Image

# Convert PDF to JPG
def conver_pdf_to_image():
    images = convert_from_path('华初文教.pdf')

    for i in range(len(images)):

         # Save pages as images in the pdf
       images[i].save('page'+ str(i) +'.jpg', 'JPEG')

# Add the website to JPGs
def add_website(filename):
    # assert
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        print(filename + " doesn't exist")

    # get image information
    img = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

    # rotate image
    new_img = cv2.rotate(img, cv2.cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)

    # 2 - add text
    msg = "https://huachu.wang"

    # font
    # font size
    fontScale = 2
    # font color - black
    fontColor = (20, 20, 20)
    # line thickness
    fontThickness = 2

    # get boundary of this text
    textsize = cv2.getTextSize(msg, font, 1, 2)[0]

    # get coords based on boundary
    textX = int((new_img.shape[1] - textsize[0]) / 2)
    textY = int((new_img.shape[0] + textsize[1]) / 2)

    # org
    org = (textX, textY)

    cv2.putText(new_img, msg, org, font, fontScale, fontColor, fontThickness, cv2.LINE_AA)

    # rotate the image back
    img = cv2.rotate(new_img, cv2.cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)

    cv2.imwrite(filename, img)

def merge_pdf():

    images = [
        for i in range(0, 87)

    pdf_path = "result.pdf"
        pdf_path, "PDF", resolution=100.0, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:]

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