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Do some processing about the wrapped variable


import Foundation
import SwiftUI

@propertyWrapper struct Capitalized {
    var wrappedValue: String {
        didSet { wrappedValue = wrappedValue.capitalized }

    init(wrappedValue: String) {
        self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue.capitalized

struct User {
    @Capitalized var firstName: String
    @Capitalized var lastName: String
// John Appleseed
var user = User(firstName: "john", lastName: "appleseed")

// John Sundell
user.lastName = "sundell"

Point 2: Property wrappers can also have properties of their own

import Foundation
import SwiftUI

@propertyWrapper struct Capitalized {
    let prefix = "Fencao Culture - "
    var wrappedValue: String {
        didSet { wrappedValue = prefix + wrappedValue.capitalized  }

    init(wrappedValue: String) {
        self.wrappedValue = prefix + wrappedValue.capitalized

struct User {
    @Capitalized var firstName: String
    @Capitalized var lastName: String
// John Appleseed
var user = User(firstName: "john", lastName: "appleseed")

// John Sundell
user.lastName = "sundell"

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